My Morning Routine

As a women, staying productive as much as possible is one of my many goals, and being satisfied with it. If you are trying to get your morning together and/or you feel as if it all over the place you came to the right place.

(9:00)- Starting the Day:
 Most people go straight to there phone. DON'T!! Your phone is a distraction and that time could be used that for something else such as, stretching, praying, etc. So personally, suggest hold of the phone, instead I start the day by making my bed.

Next, I like to choose 3 priorities of things I "need" to get done today. Going on the porch doing this is s peaceful!  Planning helps me stay on task instead of being all over the place in the mornings.

(9:30)- Getting Ready For It
 After planning, skin care is important, so before anything else I personally want to tackle that. Lets not forget the change of clothes also sis and no one can start without an empty stomach (HECK NO)  This usually takes me 35-40 min.

(10:00 ish)- Tackling time-
 Remember those 3 priorities? I like to tackle those first then do those chores. Such as dishes, walking the dogs, etc. After that most of my work is complete and I normally finish around 12 and I have the day to relax and if you have children, why not take them to the park?



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