Staying Sane Quick Tricks and Tips

Hope you all had a lovely Fathers Day week! With lots of family time and love! For us ladies out there, it may be hard to stay productive and on task. So today’s topic will be about productive-ness and more of how to stay sane!!
The definition of productive is to achieve or produce a significant result.

Going back to the basics- make sure you are getting the amount of sleep that is needed. Without sleep it’s hard to focus and have a sharp mind. Trust me I would know!

If you are having trouble with sleeping visit this link:

Gives you 10 natural sleep aids!!

Plan your day out- The night before or the day of I like to plan my day out. With things that need to be done and things that are not important, but I could do.
But most of all, prioritize those tasks from important to less important.

Set boundaries for yourself and others- Now I had to learn this from someone else! But once you set boundaries, the more focused you are and the less aggravated you will get.
That goes both ways!! From people, work, to even your own mistakes.

Create a routine- This is one of my favorites!
Create you a routine and it can be any from skin care, morning routines, night routines, daily routines to work routines. This helps develop a habit and aids in staying focus on whatever it may be that you are doing.

Set Goals- Now i’m not talking about “ new year new me goals” no.
Set daily realistic goals for yourself that are accomplish-able to you. Such as ( Today I am going to go for a half mile run)  When you finish be sure to check that goal off!! I promise it feels great.Get rid of those bad habits- Bad habits such as looking at your phone all day
( trust me I know), staying in bed, noo! Don’t do that scrutinize those bad habits and turn them into good ones!!

Try something new- Learn a new language, start a garden, or paint! There is so much to life than eating,sleeping and looking at a screen.

Thats all Ladies and to stay tuned for more subscribe!!


Anonymous said…
This was so helpful as a mother! Definitely subscribing!!!

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